Training Level: All
Course Description:
Discover and apply deep understanding and insights into people and communities involved in P2/engagement processes, to make the processes more meaningful and effective. This course provides an introduction to working with diversity, equity, and inclusion in P2/engagement.
Course Objectives:
- Identify and apply an approach for understanding people and communities for P2/engagement
- Reflect on factors of cultural competence and cultural humility, and assess your practice and approach against the factors to identify areas of strength and growth
- Apply a variety of analysis and mapping tools to understand diversity and map values
- Identify ways to increase access and centre equity by reducing barriers to participation
- Reflect on how to build rapport, trust, and relationships with people and communities, and apply and assess approaches in a P2/engagement scenario
- Assess and apply knowledge to planning and implementation of meaningful and effective P2/engagement across the Practice Framework
Organization: Engage Delaney
Phone: 613-837-5890 | Email: brenda@engagedelaney.com
Registration/More Info Link: https://engagedelaney.com/training/iap2-understanding-people-and-communities/
Online or In-Person Training: Online
Instructions/Location Info:
IAP2 Fundamentals of P2 and Engagement is the prerequisite course.
Start Date & Time: June 10, 2025 at 9:30 AM
End Date & Time: June 11, 2025 at 12:30 PM
Free or Paid? Paid
Price: $395.00 + applicable tax
Engage Delaney courses are online, trainer-led sessions (using Zoom and G-Suites) where you learn from your trainer, the course materials, activities, and your co-participants. Sessions are highly interactive, so get ready to be engaged! Our trainers are assisted by a technology producer, who supports you by moderating the chats, breakout rooms and by troubleshooting.
Registration/More Info Link: https://engagedelaney.com/training/iap2-understanding-people-and-communities/