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IAP2 BC & Yukon Chapter 2023 Nominations Committee Application

By May 31, 2023No Comments

Each year the Chapter is required to appoint a Nominations Committee with the goal of ensuring at least one eligible candidate for each vacant position on the Board, as outlined in the BC Chapter IAP2 Operating Policies and Procedures (2017).

The Nominations Committee is responsible for sending out a call for nominations to Chapter members, managing and executing the election process, and announcing the results to members in advance of the Annual General Meeting.

The Nominations Committee is comprised of at least three members.

Key Dates

  • July 13: Establish Nominations Committee
  • August 12: Call for nominations open
  • September 11: Nominations close
  • October 11: Annual General Meeting


  • Meet regularly with members of the Nominations Committee
  • Write and distribute promotional materials
  • Review applications to confirm minimum requirements
  • Facilitate an election if required
  • Provide a brief summary of the Committee’s activities and outcomes at the Annual General Meeting

The requested time commitment is approximately 1-2 hours per month.

The application period will remain open until June 29, 2023. 

Apply to Join the 2023 Nominations Committee Here